Goodwood Revival 2015

Another year, another revival and another update in only a week! Editing pictures must be more fun than having to buy a kettle…

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This year with a big event remembering of Battle of Britain a few days after the revival there were more war birds than I could count. Appropriately, given their far greater numbers during 1940, there was a Hurricane on display. I actually learnt today that at the time of the Battle of Britain the Hurricane had a higher rate of climb than the Spitfire.

But the Spitfire could do this;

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…and somehow the shape just inspires confidence.

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What is interesting walking around is that the design influences clearly make it through to the racing cars of the 40’s and 50’s.

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I don’t have a good picture from this year showing the riveted construction that mimics the aircraft from 15 years earlier.

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Of course while the prestige cars have better lineage everyone comes to see the saloon cars because of the close and dramatic racing. Here Mike Jordan corners the Lotus Cortina he was sharing with his BTCC champion son, Andrew. It was a shame they hadn’t had the development of the Team Dynamics car as they were loosing out on the straights.

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Here Shedden shows his Scottish heritage getting the car onto 3 wheels though Madgewick in car he was sharing with Crasher Neal.

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One of the oddities of the day I took this rather smoky picture in the morning session and then this picture in the afternoon.

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It was only after I got that I noticed the driver staring straight down the lens. I missed getting a programme this year so I have no idea who you are, but hello!

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A Goodwood Revival update wouldn’t be the same without a Swiftune shot. 2 wheels off on a corner that falls away on the exit – totally committed.

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This year the Galaxies were there again, this one driven by Jochen Mass, but they couldn’t keep up with the Cortina’s.

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The circuit has lots going on in the middle but there as always the feeling that I might be missing something when you can hear the cars on track!

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As in previous years the first race is on the Friday night. Many people leave before it starts which is a great shame. It is great to watch the cars pound into the dark.

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